Personal Information
- Country of origin: Ecuador (South America)
- Married
- I have a daughter 17 years old
- I like listening to classic and poo music.
- Analytics
- Organized
- Creative to solutions
- I can work under pressure
- To Lead teams
- Manage communications and negotiations
- I enjoy learning new tools, processes and create new ways.
Preparation and Career path
I have :
- a degree in Computer System Engineer.
- Internal Auditor ISO 9001
- Visual Basic developer certified
- Manage Informix Database certified
I worked:
- IT department like a developer and designer in Visual Basic
- Administrator Informix Database
- I developed Project, Financial and shareholders systems
- I was Inventory Analyst
- Procurement Analyst, I created new procedures, processes in the Purchase Department.
- Procurement Specialist
- Regional Team for new processes and standard procedures for the group company in Latinamerica.
I worked for Companies:
- La Cemento Nacional, cement company, IT department
- Holcim Ecuador, cement company, Procurement Department
- To share my knowledge and background with other people.
- To work in a company with values ethics and I can grow professionally and as a person
- Acquire more experience and knowledge in different areas